Monday, January 16, 2012

Sports Acupuncture: Recovery and Maintenance of Health

One of the aspects of Chinese Medicine that I truly love is its preventative capabilities regarding our health.  In the U.S., we tend to only worry about our health when we have lost it.  Whether it is through illness, disease or injury, we tend to not think about preventing some of the troubles we encounter in our lives.

Acupuncture and including Herbal Medicine, has an amazing power to support our health so we do not experience illness or injury.  One of the areas that this is best utilized is Sports Medicine.
While most people do not consider acupuncture until after they have hurt themselves, Acupuncture has the ability to keep our muscles and joints running at their best so we can avoid the trauma and injury we often face exercising or playing sports.  Every Olympic team and World class athlete knows this fact.  And most of them have a personal Acupuncturist on staff.

Most casual injuries we encounter are caused by repetitive use or ‘wear and tear” upon muscles and joints.  When muscles are overused they often will become locked or “cramp-up”.  When this happens other muscles must pick up the work to secure our balance and movement.  This often will place great stress upon joints and tendons.  These tissues will begin to swell and inflame causing pain and stiffness.  Continual wear and tear upon these inflamed tissues will eventually damage bone and cartilage causing further damage and pain.  When this injury happens suddenly, we call it an acute injury, when it happens over long periods of time we call it a chronic injury.

Acupuncture can assist in maintaining the health and wellness of muscles and tendons so that they are less likely to experience damage.  By opening up the flow of Qi and Blood into muscle groups, muscles are able to clear themselves of toxins and poisons that develop in the tissues during heavy usage.  With this better flow of Qi and Blood, the muscles are able to maintain oxygen levels and necessary nutrients to keep muscles operating.  In this way they do not cramp up or spasm and are less likely to fatigue.

By supporting the digestion and nutritional organ systems of our body, Acupuncture aids us in the constant repair of muscles and tendons that happens when we sleep.  As I often say to my clients, “it takes a great deal more energy to heal” than most people realize.  By supporting the digestive systems, Acupuncture promotes absorption and utilization of nutrients, supplements, and minerals that are needed for keeping muscles and tendons ready for exercise.   

Another important component of Acupuncture for Athletes is the benefit of stress reduction.  Acupuncture is a proven treatment protocol for stress reduction.  When we over-exercise or become fatigued, our nerve systems and circulatory system are greatly taxed.  By down regulation of the stress levels, Acupuncture can assist in balancing the energies in our bodies so that they are directed towards healing and repair.  By helping the body and mind recover from our work-outs, we can get back to our favorite sport or exercise routine sooner with less aches and pains.  Plus, by improving our mood and outlook, we are better equipped to go the extra mile, swim the extra lap, or lift the extra weight.

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