Here are some easy tips for staying healthy this cold and flu season. Keep these Herbal Formulas in mind as the weather starts to turn cold and nasty.
Jade Screen Formula: (Astragalus, Atractylodes, Siler Root) – excellent herbal formula for protecting the immune system before you get a cold. Helps keep the evil cold winds away like having a “jade screen” protecting you.
Yin Qiao San: (Forsythia & Honeysuckle Formula) – very good herbal formula for influenza and common colds that start with a sore throat and develop into a feverish chill. Take it while you have the symptoms of influenza or fever.
Scratchy Throat – if you feel like you are starting to get a cold with a scratchy throat, try gargling with diluted apple cider vinegar (one TBS to one Cup of warm water) This remedy can stop a head cold or sore throat in its tracks.
Triphala: Keep you digestion and bowels working. If the body can eliminate toxins and bacteria, you stand a better chance of not ‘getting sick.” Take one tablet before bedtime.
Keep your energy up with good food. It is best to eat Seasonal, Organic, Unprocessed, & Local foods to keep you system running well. Lower pesticides in your diet help to clear your liver.
Watch the Stress Levels: Stress is the one of the great destroyers of our immune system. Many studies have shown that stress and chronic worry can permit illness to take hold in your system. Get some body work or acupuncture to alleviate tension and stress from your body and mind.
Ginger Tea can help with settling a upset stomach as well as warm you up from the cold. Try putting a little Lemon or Orange in with a slice of Ginger Root to make a wonderful cup of warmth.
Acupuncture: As you all know, acupuncture can assist the body and mind in fortifying against illness and disease. Have an acupuncture session to support all your other efforts to stay well this season.
If you do get sick remember the old adage is: “feed a cold and starve a fever”. You don’t want to give a fever any more energy, but a Head Cold needs energy to warm the body back up.
**Always check with your herbalist before taking any herbal formula, just to be on the safe side.**
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