Thursday, November 26, 2009

Compassionate Abiding, or being with the Qi

One of my teachers is Pema Chodron.  She has been a guiding voice to me for many years.  She has written an interesting post on Facebook.  I post the link below:

I often suggest to my clients to breath during an acupuncture session.  I ask them not to "do anything" with the Qi but to let the energy flow and re-regulate itself in the body mind.  Pema Chodron speaks to this moment with her words,

"All we are doing is breathing in and experiencing what's happening, then breathing out as we continue to experience what's happening. It's a way of working with our negativity that appreciates that the negative energy per se is not the problem. Confusion only begins when we can't abide with the intensity of the energy and therefore spin off. Staying present with our own energy allows it to keep flowing and move on. Abiding with our own energy is the ultimate non-aggression, the ultimate maitri."

On this thanksgiving holiday, I am thankful for my breath; the in and out flow of life and warmth.